Monday, October 14, 2013

Your Heating Maintenance Done Right

Your Heating Maintenance Done Right
When your heating and air conditioning system has maintenance from Air Conditioning Brentwood you can be sure it will be done right the very first time. When you maintenance appointment is done right you can experience all sorts of heating and AC benefits that will bring both you and your home endless enjoyment and air conditioning pleasure. Try and get a great maintenance deal today before your home is at risk for yet another heating and AC failure. Your home matters to us!
A heating and air conditioning maintenance appointment is really important especially for your Brentwood AC because it will help your home run efficiently and smoothly all winter long. Your heating and air conditioning system will provide you will all sorts of comfort this winter and signing up for AC repair means that you will be able to set aside your worries and have a Brentwood HVAC that works no matter what. A heating and air conditioning appointment may be just the care you need this winter. Get your appointment now and see how great your home’s AC will work all winter long! Stay warm today and don’t let your Brentwood heating get you down!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Ductless AC For All

Ductless AC For All
Your Brentwood air conditioning unit has all sorts of wonderful functions that make your home better and more enjoyable every single day. However, if you are dealing with any kind of heating and air conditioning ventilation problem in your Brentwood home, did you realize that you can cut that down and get rid of the problems today? Your heating and air conditioning system may need and upgrade and that is why Ductless is a great Brentwood AC alternative for everyone. The benefits of ductless air conditioning are far reaching and important for all.

Your heating and air conditioning system is better off ductless for several reasons. Your Brentwood HVAC system may be a source of disease and sickness in your home. If this is the case then you want to try and combat these issues by removing your Brentwood air ducts all together. They can make your home a terribly uncomfortable and sickening place. For our clients and readers in Brentwood, ductless is quite possibly the very best decision for you today! Try and get yourself set up for an awesome heating and AC experience today! Opt for your ductless inspection and see the benefits in your Brentwood heating and air

Friday, August 30, 2013

Why Is Your AC Over Heating?

There are many things that could go wrong with your Brentwood heating and cooling system. Not the least of which is that the system can overheat. This is a sign of all sorts of problems and you will need to call a technician right away to deal with them. we suggest that you never go more than a week with a problem like an overheating AC.

It seems contradictory that the unit that cools your Brentwood home would overheat but it is a common problem. It is a sign that you may have an internal malfunction. Your brentwood AC needs a repair AAP if it is overheating or dealing with problems like that on a frequent basis.

Another sign is poor ventilation, if your unit can't get all the air out that it's blowing into your home, it'll build up. This can make it overwork and malfunction. If you suspect something like ventilation issues could be causing your Brentwood Air Conditioner to over heat then you need to contact a specialist right away.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Why do I have uneven cooling?

Brentwood air conditioning units sometimes suffer from this problem where they have uneven cooling and not every room gets the same amount of air. Though some people have zone control there is no other reason for your entire home not to cool evenly. Uneven cooling is a sign of problems in your unit and should be a reason to call a technician right away.

Uneven cooling is generally caused by blockage in the vents and ducts of your home. Brentwood AC repair suggests that over time things build up in the vents or vents can develop leaks. Both of which will costs you tons in cooling costs if you do not get them fixed right away. A repair is much cheaper than the wasted energy over a few months.

Also, your thermostat could be wired poorly. If your Brentwood ac doesn't communicate effectively with your thermostat which you set then your home may not get the right distribution of air. This is really inconvenient and can be quite expensive if you don't know what to do about your air conditioner.

Another cause could be that your blower is broken. This is a much more serious problem than the other two causes and you can detect it in your Brentwood HVAC if you hear weird sounds or your unit seems to be working harder. Try that out and see what your heating and cooling system could be doing by calling a technician right away.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Dirty Ducts? What to do!

We all fall behind on house repair and home care sometimes, there is no shame in leading a busy life but every now and then one must take time to tend to their home or office. Everyone knows that their air conditioner will need a bit of attention here or there but what about your ventilation system? When was the last time you cleaned your air ducts? If it's been awhile then you may need some information about what exactly is happening to your vents the more time you let them sit.

Problems with Unattended Ducts

  • Bacteria- When your ducts have not been cleaned, your filter has not been changed, and your home is getting a little dusty, then your ducts become a breeding ground for bacteria that can be really harmful to your air conditioner and home and body. The dust will collect and begin to fill your ducts like a plaque. Next, the bacteria in the dust will feed off of it and other things in your vents that get picked up in air flow. When your vents are warm it's even more comfortable for bacteria to grow. This is a major health hazard for you and your home because your heating and cooling system will begin to circulate it through your home. 
  • Allergies- Dirty ducts are the biggest culprit for allergic reactions. WIth dander and pollen being tracked inside your air flow picks it up and circulates it over time til there is so much inside your heating, cooling, and ventilation system that your body thinks it's outside in the pollen itself. By providing your home with clean ducts you can avoid some of these allergy cest pools from forming behind your walls and ceilings.
Solutions for the Dirt
  • Air duct cleaning from a local Brentwood air conditioning company is a fantastic way to cut out all the dirt from your ducts. Doing this one to two times a year will make a serious dent in all your heating and cooling related allergies. You are not hopeless, you can combat these allergies. 
  • Filter changes can also catch a lot of the dirt and bacteria before it is circulated through your home and vents. A great way to keep up with filter change is to but a semi expensive one and switch it out every 3-5 months. Otherwise, you could go for the inexpensive $5 type and switch every single month. This is a great way to make your home a safer and cleaner environment. 
Heating and cooling specialists are always at your disposable and a phone call if you need help in making a filter change or you are interested in an air duct cleaning. 

Friday, July 19, 2013

Is Your AC Making You Sick?

If you find yourself getting sick more often then normal, your air conditioning unit may be making you sick. Your Brentwood AC is at risk for spreading disease or viruses if not maintained and checked properly. Here are some ways it may be making you ill that you didn't know about.
  1.  Household Cleaners- If your household cleaners have a lot of chemicals then they could be picked up the the ventilation and spread more and more throughout your home. The noxious fumes don't just disappear they are ventilated through your home. Switch to more natural cleaners to cut down on fumes.
  2. Irregular Ventilation- If the ventilation isn't run frequently the air gets stale and stagnant. Your home will feel very thick or the air may not feel as fresh. To cut down on asthma problems and other air borne toxins, circulate your air regularly.
  3. Children's Toys- If toys are not properly cleaned they will begin to collect all the germs around including those circulated in the air. Cleaning toys and surfaces will help cut down on the toxins in the air and in the home that your Brentwood Air Conditioner might pick up. 
For more information about how to keep your air clean consult a local Brentwood AC Repair today!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

What does AC Maintenance really do for you?

So every air conditioning blog and technician out there suggest you get your bay area air conditioner maintenanced before every heating and cooling season but they don't explain why. Sure, you know it'll help you save money and prevent repairs but really what else do you know? Here are some ways that regular maintenance really saves you Ac.
* Condensation Drainage: Sounds fancy, I know. Basically, your air conditioner uses a condensation process to cool air before blowing it into your home. When these drains get clogged they can cause your indoor humidity to increase causing uncomfortable amounts of water in the air. To prevent this, a Brentwood HVAC technician will clean and maintain your drains!
* Lubrication: Just like your car needs oil and other lubrication mediums to keep it from overheating and getting too much friction in the mechanics, your AC unit needs some TLC to keep it moving smoothly.
* Electricity: A maintenance plan will ensure that a technician will check your electrical settings. They can help your unit function more regularly and use electricity efficiently. That way you never waste energy or spend more than you need to on energy bills!
* Coils: Gunk builds up in your AC, it's an inevitable fact of air conditioning technology. If your coils are not cleaned they will not cool or heat to the right temperature and your indoor temperature will suffer! You may even pay for air conditioning without even feeling it's effects!

As is evident by all these different parts of your air conditioner that a maintenance plan helps, you will never regret having a seasonal tune up. These affordable plans can help you keep your Brentwood home in great condition at a great temperature all year long! Call your local AC repair company to get a quote and set up an appointment!