Friday, July 19, 2013

Is Your AC Making You Sick?

If you find yourself getting sick more often then normal, your air conditioning unit may be making you sick. Your Brentwood AC is at risk for spreading disease or viruses if not maintained and checked properly. Here are some ways it may be making you ill that you didn't know about.
  1.  Household Cleaners- If your household cleaners have a lot of chemicals then they could be picked up the the ventilation and spread more and more throughout your home. The noxious fumes don't just disappear they are ventilated through your home. Switch to more natural cleaners to cut down on fumes.
  2. Irregular Ventilation- If the ventilation isn't run frequently the air gets stale and stagnant. Your home will feel very thick or the air may not feel as fresh. To cut down on asthma problems and other air borne toxins, circulate your air regularly.
  3. Children's Toys- If toys are not properly cleaned they will begin to collect all the germs around including those circulated in the air. Cleaning toys and surfaces will help cut down on the toxins in the air and in the home that your Brentwood Air Conditioner might pick up. 
For more information about how to keep your air clean consult a local Brentwood AC Repair today!

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